Sometimes we have to lose something precious, in order to gain something priceless.

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Sometimes we have to lose something precious, in order to gain something priceless.
Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing, yet you feel perfectly happy and alive.
When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life. Stay Positive!
“Always be honest with yourself and others. Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind … and peach of mind is priceless.”
Life never turns out the way we plan it. But it often turns out better when we simply let go of our fears in life.
We all have our own unique path & feelings. How you view yourself, your world, & others are mindful choices. Make the right choice. <3 Be good to one another. Take into consideration other people’s feelings. Don’t be selfish. Remember being grateful will always make you happy.
Our hearts are broken. We’ve never experienced this kind of hurt before. Some people would say, “She’s just a Dog.” Not to us. Three months after being together we got Miss Tickles and her “sister’ Tessa. That was 9 years ago. For nine years, we’ve all been together or at least 3 of us almost every minute of every day.
We are blaming ourselves right now for going on a business trip out of town without her. When we got home Miss Tickles couldn’t walk and was in a lot of pain.
Many of you know she was given an MRI that showed an issue in the brain and an issue with her spinal cord. The nuero surgeon, associated with the emergency room, recommended surgery for a disk that was hitting her spinal cord immediately. We later found from our family vet that reviewed the MRI that there were 3 places that the spinal cord was compromised. Our family vet is guessing that the nuero surgeon opted to do surgery on the worst. Our baby has been in extreme pain since the first day. After several trips back to the same ER and after several medications, her pain only worsened. She cried and screamed as we held her through the day and night. We probably should have let her go at that point, but we held out for hope.
Last Monday, we went to the animal hospital again…desperately asking that they try something else that will relive Miss Tickle of her pain. They gave us a fifth medication and said it “might” work. They offered to take her off our hands for 3 days to give us a break from her crying. We couldn’t do that to her again. When we took her there for the surgery, they kept her for a couple of days. When we arrived to visit, we heard her in the back screaming. Then after shooting her with pain meds, they brought her to us. She looked so scared and sad, like, “why am I here all alone?”
We took her home once again so that we could go through this with her. The pain only worsened. Monday night we noticed she could no longer chew or drink properly. Her mouth was paralyzed on the right side. Then the entire right side of her body was giving out. We called our family vet and he came to the house. He also found she had no feeling in the right side of her mouth and parts of her body. He also found that she had gone blind in her right eye.
We never thought we would consider letting our baby go. We also never knew how much we could love something. We realized we were keeping her around so that WE could still have her. The truth is, Miss Tickles hates cages. Even if we found a miracle drug for her pain, she got 3 more neck surgeries, they figured out the problem with the left side of her brain and if that was most likely making her paralyzed, and if rehab helped her to one day walk again….she would have to be in a small cage during all that time, unable to do anything. That’s not Miss Tickle’s spirit. If you’ve ever seen a video of Miss Tickles, it probably resulted in her either running super fast or kissing the hell out of someone’s face. That’s her spirit …to love and to run.
Wednesday night we made the hardest decision we’ve ever had to make. We were going to give her a few more great moments. We gave her double her medications. We took her to the park several times in the night and helped her run the best she could. She fell and it didn’t look pretty, but she did it. She ate McDonald’s and treats the best she could and drank milk the best she could. We told her over and over how much we loved her as we cried all night.
Thursday morning our family vet came over. We apologized to Miss Tickles for letting the pain go on this long. We held her for the last time and told her how much we love her. We then said goodbye and he gently put her to sleep.
As we are writing this, we are crying again. That is all we have done since we knew we were going to let her go. We feel like, although we are crushed, she is free to run again and go kiss whoever she wants. Other times we don’t know what she is doing and we beg God to please please hold her for us.
Miss Tickles, we love you so much. We hope we gave you as much happiness as you gave us.
If you go out on a first date this weekend and don’t really click with the other person, don’t write them off just yet. Here’s a list from of four BAD first date signs that can actually be GOOD . . .
#1.) Your Date Is Really Nervous. Most people are nervous on first dates, so don’t overreact if they seem uptight or their palms are sweaty. It might even mean they like you.
#2.) Your Date Is Currently Seeing Other People. If they tell you they’re seeing other people, it just means they’re being upfront and honest, which is good. Honesty is a requirement for any good relationship.
–On the other hand, if your date is in a SERIOUS relationship with someone, and they’re going behind the other person’s back, that’s obviously different. Whatever you do, don’t date that person. Explore them carnally, maybe. Date . . . no.
#3.) You Argue. According to, arguing with someone on a first date can actually be a good sign, because it means you’re both passionate. And that means your relationship will never get boring.
–But if you’re on a first date and you get into a shouting match, by all means, feel free to delete their number.
#4.) They Start Asking Rapid-Fire Questions. It means they’re probably just trying too hard, which is another sign they like you. But if they don’t stop, just turn the tables and start asking THEM questions.
–People who ask a lot of questions on first dates are usually much more relaxed by date number two.
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
I read a story on JV’s blog about a $500,000 ride someone just purchased. To be honest, after looking at that photo on his blog, I would have to say that car is BORING!!! Here’s the ride I would get. Yes, curling iron in hand and all! 😛
“The best thing I learned from an ex-boyfriend was not to listen to him so much. Every girl lets at least one guy mess with her head or fill it with his bullshit. Never again!” – quoted from my interview with Girlwatcher
I almost missed my flight because I had to see how much weight I can afford to put on during my vacation. 😛
We explore what makes a video like ours. Is it the subject, Natasha Yi? Or is it the editing by JV?
Special thanks to Joseph Saavedra, ‘Boss’ Leo Manalo, & Jackson Arms
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Click here to view the description for all the other cusp signs.
Characteristics: Aries Cusp
01. Pisces/Aries cusp is spiritual, often strongly intuitive, and they are receptive to the collective unconscious.
02. They like to get things started and tend to display strong leadership. Their dedicated and assertive nature lets them eagerly lead the new cycle.
03. They are unique in the sense that they are the chameleons of the Zodiac, receptive to the needs of others, but also tending to be about self and ego rather than the balance between people. However, they are not loners.
04. Pisces/Aries cusp individuals are adept at taking the ball and running with it, and projects tend to progress quickly under their guidance.
05. They are idealistic, but sometimes their dreams are vague and impractical. When reality intrudes, they can become pessimistic or lethargic, but they are very adaptive and broad-minded so they can rework their ideals, when necessary.
06. One of their great skills is reaching beyond normal limitations. They tend to be romantic and sentimental, but they may give in to escapism. They are devoted to their goals and are constantly initiating new projects.
07. Pisces/Aries play as hard as they work at the office. They greatly enjoy athletics, as sports give them a positive and healthy outlet for some of their natural aggression and emotional stress.
08. They are very artistic.
09. The great strength of the Pisces/Aries-born is in their compassion, energy, initiative and courage. They reach out to others more skillfully than most other signs, and they especially enjoy helping others reach their fullest potential. Their natural sensitivity makes them one of the most understanding characters of the zodiac.
Mutable water and cardinal fire both bless and curse this blend with the need to act on imagination as they touch a fleeting instant of eternity. Yearning for the impossible can lead you to visionary heights or into a mental institution.
What you can’t see, hear, feel or touch but know is there can be maddening, especially in a society which worships the tangible and denigrates imagination. Until you can prove what you imagine is true, you are a dreamer. Then you are a visionary. Some of what you can imagine drives you to act without waiting for proof. You live with distraction & sweet desire in the midst of a blasé humanity where the omnipotent can disappoint you as well. An active challenge to the unknown can produce some of the most profound results as well as come crazy undeveloped hints of what could be. In order to bridge these conflicting energies, you must calm your impulse to action. “Let’s get this show on the road, whether it is ready or not.” You must take time, without apology to yourself or others, to calm your impulse and live with excitement without “jumping the gun” from restlessness to be where you can’t quite see clearly yet.
If anyone ever needed to learn patience it is this combination of pressures. You also have the ability to perform miracles once you have learned to operate these two contrary energies in a way that they work together under your conscious control.
My back tats … top one is my astrological sign, Aries on a Pisces Cusp. I got the wings on the bottom of my back right after I learned how to ride my motorcycle in San Francisco. I crossed the Golden Gate bridge on my 800 pound big dog. I felt like I earned my wings! 😉
Check out what I just got in the mail!! I’m SOO excited! ORIGINAL paintings from Jessica Kim ask Miss Mindful! She goes by ‘missmindful’ on facebook & instagram. Be sure to check out her feed! You will LOVE it!! I know I do. It’s my favorite feed to visit .. cheers me up! 😀 THANK YOU JESSICA!!! LOVE YOU!!!
Smile at someone today … it just might make their day AND yours!
I LOVE this product, N’Gage .. it’s an amazing recovery powder you mix in a bottle of water. I drink it throughout my workout and in between meals.
Check them out and get it through Nutri-sups Worldwide!
Here’s an amazing photo from last night’s thunder storm in San Francisco. Photographer Phil McGrew captured 8 bolts of lightning that struck the Bay Bridge at the same time! YES! This is a REAL photo!!
Here’s one of my favorite drawings from NoCashComics of me and my girls, The Crazy Beyotches!
“Sex is mostly in a girl’s mind. Make a girl feel confident. Make a girl laugh. Show a girl you are a trustworthy, reliable guy that will be there for her and the good sex will follow.” – Natasha Yi
It’s all about ALPHA CUTS!! I’m using it everyday. Are you?? 🙂 ~> <~
Forgive those who have hurt you. You don’t have time to hate people who hurt you, because you are too busy loving people who love you. Be brave – Be strong – Be happy – Be free.