Yep … it’s definitely broke! Here’s a photo of my wrist AFTER I slammed it back in place .. sort of in place at least. :-\

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Yep … it’s definitely broke! Here’s a photo of my wrist AFTER I slammed it back in place .. sort of in place at least. :-\
Here are a few behind the scene photos from a video game shoot where I play a female gangster.
Here’s an exclusive preview to Black Metal’s “To The Fans” on the YAZOOK network.
“Natasha has the car wheel on a very rainy day. As JV looks out into the gray, rain-soaked city, he reveals that he is sad. It turns out that JV is not depressed by the weather, but rather his fans. He feels that his fans compared to Natasha’s are a joke.
Special thanks to Janesko, Ric Frane, George Webber of No Cash Comics, Damien Dornford, Jay Trembly, Alan Dyson, Michael Calendra, Darin Michau, Paul Ballard, and all of Natasha’s amazing and talented fans/friends who take the time to create beautiful artwork.”
Watch the full episode on
Please subscribe to our new youtube channel at
I met Julez at Importfest the other month. We connected since day 1 of corresponding. She asked me to party with her during my visit to Toronto. Let’s just say she knows how to par-tay! Julez is HOT! Julez is SEXY! Julez has an energy about her that you will want to be around!
Follow my girl @JulezLIVE !!!!!!
Here’s an exclusive preview to Natasha Yi-Tube’s “A Million Photos – Part 2” on the YAZOOK network. Watch the full episode on
“A Million Photos Part 2 highlight some of Natasha’s modeling work with magazines. Take a peek on set during a shoot with one of her favorite photographers as they create art!”
Special thanks to the amazing Tony Chu and his ‘boom’ crew, Christal Clear (makeup/hair), Henry Li (photo assistant) and Tobee Giang (photo assistant).
Quick rundown on this week. We also briefly discuss fan violence and safety concerns resulting from the fight between 49er and Raider fans at a recent game from Candlestick Park.
Watch Black Metal’s THE BOOF BANDIT preview!
Watch the entire episode at
Please subscribe to our new youtube channel at for more previews and updates!
“On the way to breakfast, Natasha complains about a problem she is having with her nose. She explains to JV that someone recently “boofed” next to her. It was so bad that her nose got damaged. JV and Natasha call really bad farts “boofs,” because they believe the person farting must be carrying around something more than s*@t.”
Please subscribe to our youtube channel and watch the new episodes airing this week at
Here’s an exclusive preview to Natasha Yi-Tube’s “A Million Photos – Part 1” on the YAZOOK network. Watch the full episode on
Natasha has been a model for as long as she can remember. As a model, you tend to get asked the same interview questions over, and over, and over again. So because of this, at times, Natasha will turn into a monster. Part one of “A Million Photos” will give fans, new and old, a brief look at part of Natasha’s modeling history.
Here’s the v-blog for week 2 at YAZOOK!! Please subscribe to our new youtube channel and watch the new episodes releasing this week at!
I’ll meet you there!!!!
Brand new episodes … every week! Watch it all on !!!!!!!!
August 1st marks the first day of the Official Pre-Season launch for YAZOOK! More shows will be added to the lineup in a couple weeks! Meanwhile, hope you enjoy our 3 new pre-season shows on … !!!
Anthony and I became friends through twitter. He always makes my day through his sweet & clever tweets. We finally met the other month during Importfest. I’m happy to call Anthony one of my virtual bff! If you’re a fellow tweeter, you can follow him. Guaranteed to make you smile 🙂 ~> @AjAnthonyB
Get ready for NATASHA YI-TUBE on the YAZOOK network … August 1st …
If you had to pick one, would you prefer to date an overweight or underweight body type? Please chose only one or the other. There are no in between answers. This is a very important survey I’m conducting. Thank you. 😀
JV and I are launching YAZOOK August of 2011. It is an Internet TV Station that will start with 3 shows that we will host. We will announce a full line-up in 2012. In the meantime, get ready for YAZOOK!!!
A woman’s wrath is not to be dealt with lightly. Catherine Kieu Becker is under arrest for chopping off her husband’s penis and tossing it in the garbage disposal. I hope whatever he did was worth it. OUCH!
I’m on the cover of RUKUS Magazine this month! Be sure to pick up your copy on newsstands now!
It’s official! I’m a dummy! I did it again! URG! I went to Whole Foods and spent $72.58 on one bag of fruits & veggies! (…okay….plus a burrito & a slab of halibut …. but that is besides the point!)
I thought I was paying higher prices at Whole Foods for cleaner, non chemically contaminated, better tasting food!? WTF? Does anyone know why Whole Foods cost so much more when the produce still taste like it got marinated in RAID?
After taking a bite of the RAID infested apple the other day, I did look into a local farm. They will begin delivering fresh, organic items to me starting this Tuesday!!! WOO HOOO!! I’m SOO excited! It was super cheap too! I’ll be sure to let you know how that goes. In the meantime, I’m going to TRY and enjoy this other highly contaminated apple. :-\
I’ve teamed up with DC Comics & Warner Brother Movies to give away a collector’s item from the GREEN LANTERN movie! Go to: … click LIKE … more instructions to follow! Good Luck!
I’d like to dedicate the month of October to my Importfest Family! I returned to Canada this year to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. I’m honored to be named Miss Importfest once again! Importfest Rocks! Don’t miss next year!!
It’s not where you end up that means as much
As the road that you travel along.
And it’s not the result that counts as much
As the progress that makes you strong.
Since it’s not the destination. . . It’s the journey.It’s not meeting your aim that matters as much
As the course that you take day by day.
And it’s not reaching your goal but who you touch
As you share from your heart along the way.
Because, it’s not the destination. . . It’s the journey.It’s not the objective that’s important to meet
As the trail’s challenge that you weather.
And it’s not making the finish but who you greet
As on the highway you work together.
You see, it’s not the destination. . . It’s the journey.
— Arlene Alpert
What more can I say about the amazing Tony Chu that has not been said? Not only is he an ubber talented photographer, he’s one of my dear friends … he’s my toilet paper!! Yep … he cleans up my ish! JK LOL 😛 I’ve decided to dedicate June to Tony as my Best Friend of the Month! LOVE TONY CHU!!
Yep .. me in the driver seat of the Koenigsegg CCX … LOL … I swear I did not photoshop myself in there! LMAO! 😛
Here’s a photo of my latest obsession … the McLaren F1 !!!!!! Ooops … wrong car … Scratch that … Okay … got too excited … The Koenigsegg CCX !!! *Screams* I’m in love. I must have this vehicle. If you have a million lying around and would like to purchase a gift for lil ol me, this would put a big smile on my face. 😀 Thanks Christopher B. for starting this new obsession for me. LOL 😛
I’ve decided to change my FOM (fan of the month) feature to BFM (best friend of the month). I’ve always felt uncomfortable referring to you as ‘fans’. Although we most likely haven’t met in person, the fact that we semi, cyber hang out, I feel like we are friends. When you really go that extra mile to make me smile, I want you to be my best friend of the month….if that’s okay with you. 😀
Introducing Best Friend of the Month, SUGAR! Sugar wrote me one day and said, “I’m trying to lose a few pounds, any ideas?” I gave her a few pointers, including, “Get on the treadmill!”. She said, “Thanks! I’ll use you as inspiration everyday!” The picture is cute, but the video below is STRAIGHT DEDICATION!
The screening for TESTER, an original short film created for 168 Film Festival, will be held on May 6th. All proceeds will be given to SECOND CHANCES, an organization to help the poor. Hope to see you there!