– Find all my exclusive content you won’t see anywhere! Hope to see you there!

Read More & Comment – Find all my exclusive content you won’t see anywhere! Hope to see you there!
I hope you have been hanging out with me through my social media accounts. I’m sorry I’ve been M.I.A. over here. I have some fun things planned for my site so stay tuned!!
Thank you all who support The Dog House by listening everyday. We have some exciting news that we will share with you soon.
If you missed any shows, you can always catch up by downloading the podcasts at or search Dog House Empire on iTunes/Spreaker/Stitcher or on the i-HeartRadio app.
I am excited to announce that I have officially joined The Dog House talk show on Talk 910 (San Francisco bay area) or on the i-HeartRadio app (worldwide). Not only will I join the show as an on-air host, I will executive produce the show. We have big plans, including getting the show carried on other media outlets as well as in other markets.
The production company that I co-own, along with my co-host, JV, called Yazook, LLC, has also signed a major production deal with i-HeartMedia to develop television programming for networks, film projects and online content. More to come in 2016! Please visit our new site at
If you’re wondering why the girl in the Wells Fargo brochures and ads you see around look familiar, it’s because it’s ya! 🙂
Check out the COOLEST place ever! I’m at the iHeartRadio headquarters in New York City, broadcasting LIVE again today for the JV show! 🙂
Please visit
Thank you all who supported & shared the first episode of ‘Up Late Again’! We have a lot of cool things coming…thank you for being part of this new adventure with us! Pass it along~>
Natasha Yi has JV ‘Up Late Again’ because she wants to talk about meeting and Interviewing Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg for their new movie THE INTERVIEW out Dec. 25th.
My directorial debut in the movie “Behind The House” will be released in 6 parts. Please visit for all the info. Here’s part 1. Hope you enjoy it!
FHM asked me what takes my fancy. My response, “Nothing gets my blood pumping like strong arms and shoulders … or at least six inches. I look petite, but I have a large appetite. If a man brought me a six-inch sub, he’d get my attention!”
Have you ever wondered why some people have an issue with white men dating Asian women? This week’s advice letter is talks about this sensitive subject. Read my response here.
I have a weekly feature where I give advice on my new site
Guys… if you always get stuck just being a friend and not actually getting the girl, read my advice feature. I think it might help. I’m here to help because IMYAGirl!
Would you like advice from a female’s perspective? Well I’m your girl! Ask me anything … from relationship advice, women, life, me, or just about anything! I’m going to start answering some of your questions over at my brand new website!
Please use this form to send an email directly to me .. be sure to leave me your number and email in case I need to call you about it 😉
Check out my brand new website: and my latest V-Blog! It’s a REALLY Big Day!!
Guess who was asked to shoot for Ironman Magazine’s swimsuit issue again! 🙂 Be sure to pick up your issue on newsstands now!
Thank you all who liked my facebook page ~> <~ bringing it to over 1 million! Your support means the world to me! I’m working on a special treat for you all that helped bring my page to a million! Look out for it in January 2014!!!!!!!
Also, I’m cleaning up my personal facebook page and will try my best to add everyone that is active here on my site! I don’t want to forget anyone so please post your facebook url below this post in the comment section.
I co-wrote/produced/directed this latest project!
A married couple has a disagreement about whether or not to give their puppy Doritos. The wife insists on giving it to him because she wants to teach him things. Was it a good idea? Watch and find out.
Find this photo in a new movie out in theaters right now called Don Jon! You can get a life size version of this poster here ~>
Watch our latest project called BLACK & ORANGE at
Every City has a unique vibration…a collective energy that is in the air from the lives of past and present. This project started off with us just trying to capture some historic landmarks and aesthetically pleasing scenery. It ended with us shooting several hours of footage because we got caught up in the city’s vibration. That vibe is what attracts so many misfits and their dreams. If other cities are sleeping under a dark cloud of hatred, this one is the CONVERSE. This City is wide awake, dreaming in the Giant Spirit of tolerance. And right now, win or lose, it is bonded by the colors, “Black & Orange.”
I was SO happy today & SO proud of my lil sis Dinah Jane & her girls from her group FifthHarmony … taking a quick pix with Dexter while they visit San Francisco. Be on the lookout for this hot group! They’re rising to stardom!!
It was this time one year ago that the little love of my life, Miss Tickles, died from several complications at 10 and a half.
I was a wreck for a long time. I didn’t know you could love a doggie so much. I would have never ever thought about getting another dog but it was obvious that my other dog Tessa was depressed from the passing as well. They grew up together their entire lives. Not only was she depressed she developed diabetes and cushings disease. I’m not a doctor but I feel like she got this from her sadness.
In December I finally decided “okay, maybe a puppy will bring some joy back into our hearts.” We got Dexter. And, it seemed to really help Tessa a lot. She has done really well, except for the past month where she seemed to have been slowing down a bit. I wasn’t real concerned. I just figured she is getting a little older. So when she didn’t feel like walking up the stairs I would carry her. If she didn’t want to finish her walk I would carry her.
Then this morning she couldn’t really get up. I gave her some honey in case her blood sugar was low. I tried giving her treats, she didn’t want it. She wouldn’t drink. Then she wouldn’t even lift her head for me. Suddenly she started breathing really heavy and I got this horrible sickness in my stomach.
I picked her up and put her in the car and was driving as fast as I can to the E.R. I looked over and she was losing consciousness. I screamed at her , “No don’t go to sleep!” She looked a couple of times when I yelled at her. I started shaking her and begging her not to go. The last time, when she looked at me, her eyes rolled back in her head and turned grey.
I ran screaming to the E.R. attendants. They rushed out and got her. I couldn’t talk because I was hysterical. They said she would be okay. When they came out they said “we’re sorry, we did all we could.”
As I’m writing this, I can’t believe this has happened again. I have cried and cried all day, since this started at 8:30 this morning. When I kissed her goodbye, I knew she was going to be with her sister and best friend. But that thought is still not strong enough to erase this pain.
If you haven’t heard about the details from Miss Tickles passing, you can read it here.
Tessa even learned to drive. My heart will never mend. :*(
If you haven’t heard about the details from Miss Tickles passing, you can read it here.
People ask me all the time how I get my toned abs, so I decided to record my ab workout this morning with my iPhone. I’m not a fitness instructor or anything, but I learned a few moves that get the results that I want. I do all the different exercises fast and back to back to get my heart rate up. This way, I get my cardio in, as well as sculpt the muscle. Kill 2 birds with one stone! 🙂
Here’s a little promo to a new video releasing this week! We hope you will LIKE!! Please visit my new site at!
The perfect gift for a friend, or better yet, treat yourself! It’s the brand new, limited edition, OFFICIAL, Natasha Yi 2011 kickoff-t! On sale NOW!! Click on the shirt below!