I had a great shoot yesterday with my dear friend and one of my favorite photographers, the amazing Tony Chu!
I said let’s shoot by the ‘ROCKS’ with a ‘R’ not a ‘C’! 😛
There’s something that just doesn’t seem right about this picture.. oh yea.. we were shooting at a nude beach.
And finally . . .

Intersting background! Where were these shot?
Two things…..
Why is there a f**king chicken on your head
and…..how did you photoshop me into that photo?
so why aren’t you nude ?
ohhh my goodness this is what is wrong with America can you say DOUBLE WHOPPER WITH CHEESE!!! THAT IS WHY IT IS SO GLOOMY HIS WHOLE BODY BLOCKED THE SUNN!!!!
that’s just freaking hilarious!
Really, taking pictures at a nude beach and still fully clothed! What’s the deal with that? LOL!
OH my… you guys should’ve seen the older guy with the jewelry dangling in the wind.
Theme song for this shoot:
LOL! i think i kno that guy?
that guy must not be into beautiful asian girls if he just walked passed you without even a glance
Well,It’s a shame Natasha had her suite on,she is sexy nude.The Black and white photos are hot,Natasha does look great even in a bathing suite. Robert
San Francisco?
This is at Bakers Beach, right?
When i go there i might find some nice bodies enjoying the nude beach, or maybe someone that should stay with clothes but it is naked there hahahaha
Beautiful pictures Natasha
I like the chicken hat.
This is funny! I’d rather not look at the naked guy but I couldn’t stop laughing. Oh and you are breathtaking.
That guy has to have something seriously wrong with him not to take notice of you. Great pics too.
you are making me laugh
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