KICK-ASS the movie opens today! Can’t wait to watch it!! OH! Be sure to look out for the next AMAZING super hero . . . Sweater Puppies Girl . . . Wait! That’s me ! ! ! LOL . . . My hero powers are my two killer sweater puppies . . . the dogs . . . . . groowwwwwl. You don’t want to mess with us!! Thanks to my online friend, G. Webber, for turning me into a KICK ASS SUPER HERO!!!!!!!! 😀

My nieces are much cuter than that! Love the poster though!
Awesome! 😀
Now that you mention it… I had a good idea to remane your poster; “The Attack of American Eskimos” Beware, as they have rabies! *lol* I don’t know… I just got bored and came up with that title and tagline! ^_^