79% of Men Say They’d Be Willing to Lie to Have Sex
Amber Madison is an author who traveled the country, surveying more than 1,000 men for her book “Are All Guys [A-Holes]?” Here are some of her findings . . .
- 44% of men say they’d take a girl on a few dates, text her frequently, and fake an interest in her . . . just to have sex.
- 35% of men would take it further, and actually lie about how much commitment they’re willing to offer in order to get sex.
- Added up, that means 79% of guys are willing to lie to have sex.
- 8% of the men surveyed said they had no interest in a long-term relationship or even a short-term one, and just wanted sex.
- And 0.8% said they NEVER plan to get into a relationship.
- Men ranked humor, intelligence, and niceness ahead of looks.
- 50% said a woman asking them out is a turn-on, and only 5% said it’s a turn-off.
- 67% say they like when a woman contacts them between dates and doesn’t wait for them to initiate contact.

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