Women Hate It When You Call Them Things Like “Darling” And “Babe” Around The Office
If you’ve got a female co-worker and you call her “babe” or “honey” or “cutie” . . . apparently, SHE doesn’t think it’s as kind and endearing as you do.
-According to a new survey of 3,000 female office workers in England, almost THREE out of FOUR think that pet names in the office are, quote, “unacceptable.”
-One out of four say that pet names make them ANGRY, and another one out of four say pet names are UNPROFESSIONAL.
-The survey was conducted by a market research site called OnePoll. They say, quote, “Guys may think they are being affectionate by calling someone ‘babe’ or ‘love’, but it seems women simply find them patronizing and demeaning.”
-The survey also found the top 10 nicknames women hate around the office, although some of
these are VERY British and don’t really apply over here.
-The top 10, in order, are: Love, darling, babe, mate, hun, kiddo, chick, dear, poppet and pet.
(–To Americanize that list, just replace mate with “sweets” and poppet with “jiggles” and I think we’d be set.)
- 1. Love
- 2. Darlin’
- 3. Babe
- 4. Mate
- 5. Hun
- 6. Kiddo
- 7. Chick/Chicken
- 8. Dear
- 9. Poppet
- 10. Pet

LMAO. Those types of dudes that throw around those types of names at women seem really old school to me. I couldn’t bring myself to talk to a lady like that at work. I have seen it done by older top position guys though. F’ing crazy 😛 😛 😛
Well look certainly if a guy doesn’t know the girl at all then using those words can seem weird or disrespectful – if you know the girl as a friend then of course its heartfelt term of endearment. BUT it can also just be a question of culture…and therefore how “we” intepret the word used. Here in Dublin every older woman calls a younger man “luv” as in “how’rya luv” when you know its just a saying it seems fine and even nice. So I think its just perception in the end.
For me to give you a nickname you gotta be a girl I like and like a lot. So, hence the amount of women I ever called anything like that is pretty small.
This is how to say it at home!
Hey You Sugarbritches WHAT’S FOR DINNER
Hey You Fudge Butt GET’S ME A BEER “FEET”BALL IN COMING ON IN 10 move it move it…
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