Please watch the American Idol audition clip below. This definitely brought a tear to my eye. I commend Chris for his love and dedication to his fiance. But it did get me wondering if others would do the same …
Honestly, what would YOU do in this situation? Would you stay with your fiance forever if this happened to you? If you were the person that got into the accident, would you want your fiance to stay with you? Please feel free to answer anonymously.

Natasha, I would like to say I would do the same thing. I love my fiance more than anything in the whole world. You never know until something like this happens, but I would think I would stay with her, and hope she would do the same for me.
Honestly I wish I would do the same and I hope I would. The truth of the matter is that forever is a long time. Situations like this is unfortunate but I’m not sure of myself what I would do. I remember when I was 26 years old. I’m 42 now. I don’t think at that age 26 I would be able to give my entire life and never experience a real relationship and being normal again. I know this sounds horrible but you wanted the truth.
If you would have asked me this 7 years ago before I met my current beautiful on the inside and out fiance I would have said no both ways. I watched this when it aired live…it got me too. I don’t see myself leaving my fiance for any reason, I not only love her but I love her family too. I would not leave her mom to take on that task alone. On the other hand I wouldn’t want her to leave my side either, almost everything would be taking away from me & I wouldn’t want to love the one thing I love the most in the world on top of that. Understand Natasha that the love my fiance and I have for each other is one in a million, we’ve known each other since we where 11 years old,she’s my best friend and the Idol clip was so touching because I knew they had the same thing. This is one of the rare times I’ll ever be serious about anything…Chris Medina is an incredible young man…and it’s because of true love…only true love can make you so honerable.Thank you RJ ( Team Bee’s Knee’s )
But if we couldnt have sex I would definitely have a massive, massive porno collection. 🙂
If I were the person that got into the accident, I would not want my fiance to stay with me. Because I would love him so much, I would want him to have everything in a partner & in life. I wouldn’t be able to be his everything & I wouldn’t be able to give him everything he deserves…
Thanks for this Natasha. I gotta admit I never watch American Idol – But this actually made me well up!!
WHat an inspiring and heartbreaking story – Plus the guys CAN sing!
Excuse my cynicism though – as Part of me wonders if they’d still given him 3 yes’ votes if they hadn’t know his background story.
But, irrespective he deserves it – what an awesome example of Hope and true love in the face of adversity. <3 Thankyou.
I would do the same thing and stand by her thick and thin.
If you were my fiance Natasha, and that happened to you, I would stay with you through thick and thin. Feed you Red Bean ice cream. All in all you cant abandon your fiance/wife if they get sick. In the Catholic religion, its for better or worse..Sickness or in health, richer or poorer. I wouldn’t want her to abandon me if the tides were turned and I was in the accident. That’s why every day you go out the door I would say to you be careful Pooh! Its a jungle out there. I’m very protective…
Its like if we were walking over the Golden Gate Bridge and you fell in the water, I would dive in….
I think he is an amazing young man and truly hope that I could be such a strong person. She is a beautiful young lady and the most difficult part would be watching her suffer.
Heart touching and tear jerking. I Love my wife with everything I have inside and would stand at,beside and around her through anything {heaven forbid} like this should ever happen. Chris will reap his rewards in heaven.
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